Archive | July, 2015

Trying to get garden sculpture home!

31 Jul


We looked at what inspired Alexander Calder today and then developed all sorts of interesting and mysterious themes involving spiders, ducks and telephones, all free-moving with the wind to be installed permanently in the garden to chase the birds off the strawberries and to brighten the dullest days.

summer workshops in full swing!

22 Jul

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Having finally remembered to take some photos of the amazing work produced today in the drawing workshop….using all sorts of materials and working the different media together – loved the use of sand in the drawing on the right of Minnie Mouse.  Such a pleasure teaching really inventive and enthusiastic children; I could have carried on for another couple of hours quite happily.

Art residency with the Jersey Arts Trust

5 Jul

10 days of working non-stop with the most creative and imaginative people developing new ways of collaborating and expressing ourselves – it has been totally exhausting but truly wonderful.DSCF0022